Category Archives: Interview

March 13, 2014


Thelma’s Treats Masters Small Business Social Media

thelma's treats

Imagine having someone walk into your door right now with warm cookies and cold milk. This is not a trick! If you enlist the services of Thelma’s Treats in Des Moines, Iowa, this can be a reality. But, if you …

November 7, 2013


Pancheros Celebrates 21st Birthday (and Fans) with Video Fun


Another year of business is a milestone worth celebrating for any company. And when that year aligns with a well-known life milestone, it’s not a bad idea to make it part of the celebration. That’s exactly what Pancheros Mexican Grill …

October 24, 2013


How to Optimize Your Content, Contacts, & Analytics

Inbound marketing provider HubSpot recently announced their Content Optimization System, the next generation of their web platform, with updates to how brands can interact with content, contacts, and analytics. As three key components of every marketing strategy, we knew we …

May 9, 2013


Take a Tour of the Schlafly Beer Social Media Operation

Schlafly Beer Social Media

Schlafly Beer is St. Louis’ largest locally owned independent brewery, with two brewery-restaurants, an urban garden, and a farmers market. Their fun, friendly, and inviting locations have become gathering places for the local community and their families — and their …

April 8, 2013


LearnVest Uses Social Media to Make Finance Engaging

learnvest social media

Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are increasingly valuable places for brands and consumers to connect on a variety of topics. While many may think they’re just places to find restaurant specials and clothing sales, at LearnVest social media channels are used …

March 7, 2013


Iowa Department of Transportation Uses Social Media for Safety

iowa department of transportation social media

For the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), having a few thousand extra sets of eyes on the roads can mean increased safety for all drivers. Because of this, the department has created a push for social media engagement that will …

December 27, 2012

Interview / Social Media Strategy

Inside Hy-Vee’s Social Media Command Center

hyvee social media command center

As social media continues to become an increasingly critical brand touch point, many organizations are finding value in implementing a social media command center for listening and responding to customers’ needs. One such company is grocery chain Hy-Vee. Recently Larry …

October 4, 2012


Inside Overblog with Founder Frederic Montagnon (Interview)

Blogging has long been the hub of the social media universe, providing a centralized platform for sharing content across social channels. In recent years, blogging has gotten even more social. Perhaps the greatest convergence of blogging and social media to …

September 17, 2012


Does Your Brand Have Kred? (Interview)

Something exciting happened recently when I wrote a post on the updates to Klout. A commenter asked if I knew much about Kred. I confessed that, while I was familiar with it and knew the network was in the general …

September 13, 2012

Education / Interview

Social Media’s Impact on College Curriculum (Interview)

Social media changes the world around us nearly every day. No where is this shift more prevalent than in our higher education system as colleges and universities work to adapt and prepare students for careers in social media, content creation, …