How to Use Facebook Carousel Ads to Boost Your Brand’s Impact

February 24, 2016

This time last year, Facebook was beta testing a new ad format, carousel ads. Based on the initial testing, carousel ads can help lower cost per conversion by up to 50% and cost per click by up to 30%.* Do we have your attention now?

Facebook carousel ads feature multiple images and links in a single ad for no extra cost, opening the door to richer story-telling, more creativity, and better results. You can even enable Facebook to automatically re-order images based on performance, helping decrease costs and increase engagement.

Here are a few examples to spark ideas for your business.

Tell Your Brand Story

If you don’t have the time or resources to invest in video, carousel ads offer a good alternative to telling your brand story. Share how your business began as a family-run business focused on delivering great service, or show how awesome your team is by sharing your employees’ stories and skills. 

Tell Your Customer’s Story

Nothing resonates with your potential customers like a genuine story from a happy customer. Your best customers keep coming back, so find out why and share their stories with your future customers.


Tell a Product Story

While carousel ads allow you to feature multiple products, you can also choose to focus on a single product. Showcase different features of a single product, like Mini does with their Hardtop 4-Door.


Or combine each thumbnail into one cohesive image, like this example by Tieks by Gavrieli.


Set Goals, Get Creative

Design an ad with your goals in mind. Here at Brand Driven Digital, we’re gearing up for Social Brand Forum 2016 in September, so we chose to feature our keynote speakers in a carousel ad.

Forum 16 Carousel Ad Example

Ready to Start?

Here are some specifics to help get you started. You can also visit Facebook for the full details:

  • Feature 3-5 images
  • Include a card for your business
  • Each image can have a headline, up to 40 characters
  • Each image can have a short description, up to 20 characters
  • Each image can link to a different landing page
  • Image size: 600×600 pixels, less than 20% text

From product features to panoramics, the options are endless. How will you use carousel ads?

*Source: Facebook internal study across 9,000 ad sets of beta advertisers, January 15th through Feb 15th 2015.

Email Brand Driven Digital

is a strategist, speaker, educator, and author of Brand Now: How to Stand Out in a Crowded, Distracted World and Get Scrappy: Smarter Digital Marketing for Businesses Big and Small. He is the Chief Brand Strategist at Brand Driven Digital, an educator at the University of Iowa, and host of the On Brand podcast. More about Nick.