Tag Archives: klout

September 17, 2012


Does Your Brand Have Kred? (Interview)

Something exciting happened recently when I wrote a post on the updates to Klout. A commenter asked if I knew much about Kred. I confessed that, while I was familiar with it and knew the network was in the general …

September 3, 2012

Social Spotlight

Why the New Klout Might Be Worth Your Brand’s Time

While the digerati has been a-buzz over the past year, I’ve held off writing about Klout for one reason. This blog sits at the intersection of branding and social media and works to help businesses build more social brands. And …

September 12, 2011

Social Media Strategy

Creating a Social Media Participation Schedule

There’s a lot of talk today about ‘social media engagement.’ However, our engagement often ends up one-sided, as we focus more on our outgoing brand messages than on building connections and community with others. I’m guilty of this myself. I …